Wednesday 3 December 2014

Captain America: Civil War Prediction

This is a little infographic I put together for the upcoming Captain America: Civil War, depicting what I believe will be the two factions in the upcoming movie. I have a reasoning for everyone below

Firstly, Captain America's anti-reg movement:

  • Nick Fury - Has trusted Cap in the past, while at the same time knows that he can't trust Stark
  • Winter Soldier - Obvious, as he is Cap's lifelong friend
  • Black Widow - Seems to be very close to Cap, especially in Avengers and Winter Soldier
  • Falcon - Another Captain America guy, loyal to his friend
  • Phil Coulson - A self-professed Captain America fanboy
  • Scarlet Witch - This is arbitrary, but splitting up the twins gives the movie a bigger civil war feel
  • Ant Man - a rebel, would not register with the government
  • Sharon Carter - A clear love interest for Captain America
and now for Iron Man's team:
  • Maria Hill - ends Cap 2 working for Stark, could be manipulated
  • Hawkeye - a soldier who blindly follows orders
  • Pepper Potts - Tony's love interest
  • Vision - Basically JARVIS, Tony's robot
  • Iron Patriot - Government soldier and TOny's friend
  • Quicksilver - see Scarlet Witch
  • Black Panther - Mostly neutral, but probably doesn't want to rebel against the foreign US
  • Hank Pym - seems more likely to join the government than be a rebel
  • Hulk - A good friend of Tony, would stick with him and try and register
This is all speculative, but I think that it is a good prediction to how the lines will be drawn (Assuming nobody dies in Age of Ultron, which for the record I predict Hawkeye and Quicksilver will both die)

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