Day One - A Film Project

A project currently occupying my time is Day One, a film detailing the first day of the Zombie Apocalypse. Anything I do related to Day One can be found on this page, including trailers and snippets. I will put the entire film up on YouTube once it is finished.

Here is the first teaser for Day One:

As one may expect, the movie is strongly influenced by the Resident Evil games. There is a battle early in the film that is very similar to Resident Evil 3, and an entire subplot is dedicated to a city in flames, similar to Hellfire from Resident Evil: Outbreak.

Here is the first trailer. We haven't shot a lot of footage yet, but we have enough to make a minute and a half trailer:

A little about the plot:

The story is divided into several chapters featuring different stories from around the world. The two main plots involve a firefighter from Fredericton, Canada trying to maintain control of a burning city, and the other is a member of the GSG 9 police force trying to escape Berlin, Germany after his team is wiped out. Along with this, there are several news cutaways from around the world, and a Fredericton blogger broadcasts his attempts to escape the burning city.

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