Saturday 27 December 2014

Star Wars Spin Off Ideas (With Posters!)

As an avid Star Wars fan I am as excited as anyone for the new Star Wars Trilogy, which begins next December with The Force Awakens, However as an avid EU fan, I am even more excited at the prospect of these spin off movies, starting in 2016 with Gareth Edwards' new movie and continuing from there. Nobody knows what they are about, but a lot of EU fans are hoping for something familiar brought back into canon. These are just some of my ideas for some great spin off ideas, complete with fan casting and Microsoft Paint quality posters!

Star Wars: Bounty Hunters

The idea of a Boba Fett spin off is the most obvious, but how about a two-person team to bring back Dengar? Sort of like a Few Dollars More in space! My cast choices are Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Boba Fett and Karl Urban for Dengar. JGL might seem like an odd choice but I think he could pull it off. Also Bossk is the main villain, but I don't care who plays him, as he has no English dialogue.

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

This I think would be the best idea for a spin off, like a Top Gun but in X-Wings. Grant Gustin is a young Corran Horn and Brandon Routh is Wedge Antilles, just after the Battle of Yavin.

Star Wars: Republic Commando

Tom Hardy, Manu Bennett, Jason Momoa, Michael Jai White, and Ray Stevenson play a rogue crew of Imperial Stormtroopers who rebel against the Empire, and the villain, an Imperial Officer played by Christoph Waltz enlists bounty hunters Dave Bautista, Robert Maillet and Kim Coates, and an Inquisitor played by Nan Yu to hunt them down. That sounds like an awesome action movie to me, like a Star Wars Expendables!
Yoda: The Legend Begins

a solo adventure about a padawan Yoda, the seminal story where he goes from a padawan to a master. Frank Oz as Yoda, Michael B. Jordan as Mace Windu, and Malcolm McDowell as Darth Tenebrous (with Daniel Davis altered by CGI as a young Plagueis, in a possible standalone sequel)

I have more ideas, but I will save them for a later entry. I hope you enjoyed.

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