Thursday 16 October 2014

Nickelback is a Better Band Than Aerosmith!

Nickelback is better than Aerosmith! There I said it. No I didn't lose a bet. Aerosmith were nobody for years and years, and quickly faded into obscurity, and then MTV (back when they actually had music and not jackasses and ridiculousness) made them popular in what I can only assume is a practical joke taken too far. They were then inexplicably paired together with Run DMC, which is the only reason why anybody knows Walk This Way.

Now, I'm not saying that Nickelback is a great band; they're not, but there are much more popular bands who are much worse. Aerosmith is a prime example, but I would also say Metallica is pretty awful too. (If you don't believe me, watch them phone it in live)

This begs the question: what makes people hate or love one band over another? Is it ability? Chad Kroeger is a very able musical performer, there is nothing fundamentally wrong with his music although he lacks an original sound. Similarly, Joe Perry of Aerosmith is a competent guitarist, but nothing exceptional (although he has been able to basically make a living on that one riff from Walk This Way)

All three bands also have an annoying, yelly lead singer, but between Hetfield, Tyler, and Kroeger, Kroeger is probably the most bearable. (Having said that of course, Photograph is just dreadfull. Who reminisces on happy romantic times by yelling?)

This isn't an Aerosmith hate article, so much as a Nickelback apologist article. They aren't as bad as they are made out to be, and are even better than the bands that it is "cool" to like. So have an open mind when listening to their music, and other people's music and like or hate them based on that.

P.S. I know that a lot of Nickelback's music videos are misogynist garbage, but if you go through most North American bands' music videos, they are no better, so that is not a viable "Hate Nickelback" argument.

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