Thursday 7 August 2014

Best Story Arcs by Comic

Because of my extensive knowledge of comic books and the like, I am often consulted by new readers in my online and offline communities. The common question is "what is the best [insert character here] story?"

Now, you could have done like I have done and read through them all, painstakingly deciding which ones are great and which ones are not so great, but instead, I've created a list of top fives kept on this page for reference. I hope this list helps any newcomers to comics, and I hope they can get as interested in them as I am. So let's start!

  1. Year One - This is a great starting point for any new Batman reader. I recommend this to anyone unfamiliar with Batman's origin, or anyone who really liked Batman Begins.
  2. Long Halloween - A great detective noir story steeped in lore with a lot of villains!
  3. Hush - similar reasons to Long Halloween, also introduced a great villain and fleshed out a lot of Bruce's backstory, just a fun read overall
  4. Court of Owls - A newer jumping-on point for new readers, also introduces a new iconic villain.
  5. Knightfall - Has plenty of villains and heroes. It also introduces one of Batman's key villains in Bane.
(With Batman there are so many, I could do a top 50, but I will leave it at my top 5, others may be different)

  1. Red Son - This story is non-canon but in many ways the best Superman story ever told.
  2. All Star Superman - encompasses everything great about the Superman mythos into one story, with beautiful artwork.
  3. Superman: Earth One - A retelling of his origin story that new readers should check out.
  4. Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? - An interesting take on Superman told from Lois Lane's perspective.
  5. Kingdom Come - A good story made better by Alex Ross' fantastic artwork.
 Justice League
  1. Justice - like Kingdom Come, but more fun, packed with heroes and villains all done in amazing artwork by Alex Ross.
  2. Origin - The New 52 jumping on point is a fun story and a must for new readers.
  3. Tower of Babel - A great Justice League and a great Batman story, all in one.
  4. JLA/Avengers - for all the crossover fanatics out there.
  5. Brave and the Bold #28 - their original formation against one of the most ridiculous villains of the Silver Age.

Other DC Characters
  1. Wonder Woman: Blood - Not many comics treat Wonder Woman with the respect she deserves, but Blood and the subsequent run does in spades, best WW story by far.
  2. Flash: Secret Origin - Just a really great Flash story, although there are many to choose from.
  3. Sinestro Corps War - A Green Lantern story steeped in lore and has many heroes and villains including the Justice League.
  4. Crisis on Infinite Earths - Just the biggest cluster of chaos ever released, packed with a ridiculous amount of characters.
  5. Blackest Night - Most of the DC Universe was involved and it was a blast to read, very steeped in lore though, not for first time readers.
  1. Dark Phoenix Saga
  2. Days of Future Past
  3. House of M
  4. Dangerous
  5. First Class
  1. Civil War
  2. Age of Ultron
  3. Infinity Gauntlet
  4. Breakout
  1. Planet Hulk
  2. Secret Wars
  3. The Night Gwen Stacy Died
  4. World War Hulk
  5. Gambit: Once a Thief

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