Saturday 21 June 2014

Versus Series #1: Green Arrow vs Bane

The Versus Series are battles between comic book characters that I think would be intriguing or exciting matchups. They use characters from all comic books and different versions and incarnations of the characters. For instance, this battle is between the Green Arrow from the CW show, and Bane from the Dark Knight Rises.

How They Meet:
This takes place in the second act of the Dark Knight Rises. Batman has been broken, and Bane has taken control of Gotham with his legion of mercenaries. The US Army is unable to interfere due to the fear of a nuclear bomb. Oliver Queen, AKA The Green Arrow, however, is able to slip into Gotham in the dead of night, and fights Bane down in the sewer.

Arrow has been planning for this fight, but Bane hasn't. Arrow came equipped with 50 arrows, plus 10 grappling hook arrows and 5 explosive/flashbang arrows, and his sword. Bane is unarmed, but is of course wearing his morphine mask and that turtle shell Kevlar vest he wears during his fight with Batman.

The Fight:
Bane's quick reflexes allow him to catch Ollie's first Arrow, however it was a flashbang arrow, which temporarily blinds Bane. Ollie takes advantage and pushes Bane over the railing. Ollie leaps down and draws his sword, but Bane smacks it away and throws Ollie. The Green Arrow swings on a chain and comes back to kick Bane in the face. He draws his bow and fires. The arrow bounces off of Bane's vest. A second arrow pierces his arm, but Bane doesn't feel pain when he wears the mask. Bane gets to Ollie before he can fire another arrow and pushes him up against the wall, punching him in the face. Ollie is bloodied, and collapses to the ground. Bane takes some time to taunt Green Arrow, buying him time to fire a grappling arrow and climb into the shadows. From the shadows, an explosive arrow is fired, knocking Bane back and damaging his mask. Arrow swings down and pounces on Bane. With his mask destroyed, Bane goes into convulsions, but as Oliver preps the finishing arrow, Bane retrieves Ollie's sword and stabs him in the gut with it. Arrow falls to the ground. Bane's mercs come and put the mask back on him, but as Bane gets up, Arrow rolls into the sewer and escapes.

The Result:

Technically neither man died, but it is evident that if Arrow hadn't escaped, he would have lost. Moral victory for Bane

*Photos courtesy of Green Arrow Wiki and The Sun respectively*

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