Thursday 17 April 2014

Spider-Man: 30 Years Later

This was an idea I had for a Spider-Man comic a while back. I wrote a full script and plot outline, but I never could find time to pencil it.

Spider-Man: Thirty Years Later

Set many years after Spider-Man has retired, Peter Parker has settled down with a wife (nobody we know, someone new) and has a daughter. The world he lives in is still haunted by crime, but several other crime-fighters are still in service. After the shocking news of Wolverine's death, Spider-Man decides to come out of retirement to meet this killer.

Depiction of Spider-Man
Spider-Man is feeling the effects of his time off. He is slower and heavier than he was in his teen years when he was an active hero. This Spider-Man has been retired for over 15 years. His costume is relatively unchanged, but he has added some armored pieces, because he is not as durable as he once was. His physical appearance has changed drastically. Most depictions of Spider-Man are that of a 15-25 year old. This version is an older and scruffier version of Parker. His hair is starting to recede and he has grown a full beard, (he may shave).

The Villain(s)
At first, Spider-Man is obsessed with the notion that it was Norman Osborn, his greatest foe, that killed Wolverine. However, upon visiting Osborn in the hospital, Spidey discovers that the use of the Green Goblin serum has eaten away at his body, and the former Goblin is a vegetable on life support.

Another villain, Doctor Octopus, is paralyzed from the neck down, and his mechanical arms are the only moving parts on him anymore.

The true villain is named Null, a super-villain mastermind, whose mere presence nullifies any superhero's powers, thus allowing him to kill Wolverine. But, killing Wolverine was just a ploy to get Spider-Man out in the open.

Additional Superheroes
Wolverine doesn't look any older, because he is immortal.

Because of the super-soldier serum, the 150 year-old Captain America barely looks 40, though he has grown a small beard and put on some weight.

Matt Murdock's hair is slightly graying, but he is still in tremendous shape, as he still operates as Daredevil. However, his hearing is starting to fail him.

The Punisher is nearing 60, and all of the battles he's had have sent him into a permanent form of shell-shock, and war madness. He's become little more than a wild killer, blasting everyone in his path. He is under SHIELD custody.

After years of exposure to gamma radiation, Bruce Banner is a lifeless husk, and can only transform into the Hulk after a massive electrical surge. He is kept at a SHIELD Base as a guinea pig.


  1. Every superhero is basically becoming a senior citizen haha :P. Time does magic on people.

    1. It is not that they're senior citizens, it's that they have taken a ton of damage, and a lot of them are constantly exposed to radiation. 30 years of that will do wonders.
