Monday 21 April 2014

Resident Evil 7 Wishlist

Firstly, are they even making a Resident Evil 7?

I heard they may announce one at E3 this year, so I'm getting my hopes up. As another short entry, I thought I'd do a wish list of little things I would like to see in the new game, both from a gameplay and character perspective.

Firstly, I would like to see Jill Valentine back:
   Jill was my favourite from the original trilogy, but she barely appears anymore compared to Chris and Leon. She was like the Ellen Ripley of Resident Evil, and it has felt odd not playing as her.

The addition of infection dangers:
   Resident Evil: Outbreak did this to a certain extent, but I would like to see it expanded upon. Maybe depending on the severity of a zombie bite, even the common zombies could reduce you to the POISON state from early titles (like Webspinners and Ivy used to be able to). This would prompt the player to seek an antidote before they slowly die from their infection.

Limited ammo:
   Not much to say here, other than I feel ammo conservation and running away sometimes should be a serious gameplay mechanic, especially on hard.

No bodies melting on death:
   Why? see below...

Possibility of bodies raising after dead:
   Crimson Heads were badass, and unexpected. I had no clue they were a thing until I was deep into Resident Evil's REmake for the Gamecube, and they made for exhilarating gameplay at times, and made the zombies a bigger threat than usual.

More puzzle items and sections:
   What set Resident Evil apart from basic shooters early on was its puzzles. These days Resident Evil is indistinguishable from other over the shoulder shooters like Gears of War gameplay-wise. Puzzles are welcome back in my books.

If there's a final boss, don't make it a mutated bad guy of the series. I honestly find it annoying when the main bad guys happen to turn into giant unstoppable monsters rather than just normal zombies. The Tyrant didn't have to. Nemesis didn't have to, and William was a mutant the entire game so he doesn't count.

An all female team:
   Resident Evil 6 had an all-guy team, and two mixed teams. If this game has more than one story, there should be at least one all female story, if not two. Besides any new characters, there are many female characters to choose from, including Jill, Claire, Rebecca, Ada, Ashley, Sherry, Helena, Sheva or anybody from a spinoff game. A grown-up Sherry teaming with Claire for instance would make for a good story.

Animation Practice

This is one of many short animations I started doing a while ago. I want to make more, and I will post all of them here. I have many ideas as to what I will do next, and Batman and Judge Dredd may or may not fit into those plans. ;) Stay tuned.

Here is another one, a little smoother. I'm still lacking in the audio department though.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Spider-Man: 30 Years Later

This was an idea I had for a Spider-Man comic a while back. I wrote a full script and plot outline, but I never could find time to pencil it.

Spider-Man: Thirty Years Later

Set many years after Spider-Man has retired, Peter Parker has settled down with a wife (nobody we know, someone new) and has a daughter. The world he lives in is still haunted by crime, but several other crime-fighters are still in service. After the shocking news of Wolverine's death, Spider-Man decides to come out of retirement to meet this killer.

Depiction of Spider-Man
Spider-Man is feeling the effects of his time off. He is slower and heavier than he was in his teen years when he was an active hero. This Spider-Man has been retired for over 15 years. His costume is relatively unchanged, but he has added some armored pieces, because he is not as durable as he once was. His physical appearance has changed drastically. Most depictions of Spider-Man are that of a 15-25 year old. This version is an older and scruffier version of Parker. His hair is starting to recede and he has grown a full beard, (he may shave).

The Villain(s)
At first, Spider-Man is obsessed with the notion that it was Norman Osborn, his greatest foe, that killed Wolverine. However, upon visiting Osborn in the hospital, Spidey discovers that the use of the Green Goblin serum has eaten away at his body, and the former Goblin is a vegetable on life support.

Another villain, Doctor Octopus, is paralyzed from the neck down, and his mechanical arms are the only moving parts on him anymore.

The true villain is named Null, a super-villain mastermind, whose mere presence nullifies any superhero's powers, thus allowing him to kill Wolverine. But, killing Wolverine was just a ploy to get Spider-Man out in the open.

Additional Superheroes
Wolverine doesn't look any older, because he is immortal.

Because of the super-soldier serum, the 150 year-old Captain America barely looks 40, though he has grown a small beard and put on some weight.

Matt Murdock's hair is slightly graying, but he is still in tremendous shape, as he still operates as Daredevil. However, his hearing is starting to fail him.

The Punisher is nearing 60, and all of the battles he's had have sent him into a permanent form of shell-shock, and war madness. He's become little more than a wild killer, blasting everyone in his path. He is under SHIELD custody.

After years of exposure to gamma radiation, Bruce Banner is a lifeless husk, and can only transform into the Hulk after a massive electrical surge. He is kept at a SHIELD Base as a guinea pig.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Resident Evil Films Rebooted: My Ideas

Resident Evil is one of my favourite video game franchises, if not my favourite. The films are a guilty pleasure of mine in that I enjoy them but they are not that great. One of the many reasons for this is the large deviations they make from the source material, including completely changing the main character. Imagine if a Harry Potter movie had a new character as the protagonist, while Harry was relegated to a side character.

Below, I have a very basic outline for what I would do with the Resident Evil film franchise. It makes some minor changes for an easier transition to film, simplifies the story, but mainly stays true to the source material. My franchise would be divided into two trilogies, much like Star Wars was. The first trilogy would be horror, taking place in Raccoon City, with the second being a more action-heavy trilogy, focusing on the events after Raccoon City. Obviously, as I only had six films I had to pick and chooser which stories to tell, so some spinoffs got lost (Revelations for instance, which I love) and some stories got merged into one film.

The Raccoon City Trilogy
Resident Evil
Chris Redfield
Jill Valentine

Barry Burton
Rebecca Chambers
Albert Wesker
Richard, Enrico, Forrest, Kenneth, Joseph

Plant 42
Lisa Trevor
T-002 Tyrant

Follows the plot of Resident Evil for the Gamecube
Two groups: Chris/Rebecca, Jill/Barry
Wesker is a traitor-antagonist, but this isn't shown until the final act
Chris/Rebecca fight Lisa Trevor and Yawn, Jill/Barry fight Neptune, Plant 42 & Lisa Trevor
Kenneth & Forrest are already dead
Enrico has the same role as in the game, as does Joseph
Barry is killed by Hunters
Resident Evil 1, establishes the universe and introduces the Redfield family arc
Claire will be "name dropped" a couple times in this film to build the universe

Resident Evil 2
Leon Kennedy
Claire Redfield
Sherry Birkin
Ada Wong
Echo Six (Dee-Ay, Tweed, Harley, Shona)
Brian Irons
Marvin Branagh

The Gator
Mr. X Tyrant
William Birkin

For the most part follows Resident Evil 2, from Claire's perspective, further establishing the "Redfield Arc"
Leon is a supporting character
Ada has a semi-antagonistic role as an Umbrella spy, but also as a semi-romantic subplot with Leon
Chief Irons has 1 scene, the scene where he is killed by William
Marvin appears twice, once to give a card to Leon, and once as a zombie with Claire
Claire kills the Gator
Mr. X is mainly after Leon, and William is after Claire and Sherry
Echo Six are featured as a supporting crew. Over the course of the film, they land in Raccoon City, make their way into the sewers and eventually sacrifice themselves so that Claire and Sherry can board the train at the end
William's multiple malformations are all explored in this film

Resident Evil: Nemesis
Jill Valentine
Carlos Oliveira
Dario Rosso
Nicholai Ginovaef
Mikhail Victor
Brad Vickers

For the most part follows Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Carlos, Mikhail and Nicholai are dropped in with the UBCS to rescue civilians, but Nicholai eventually betrays them
The film shows that it was actually Nicholai who shot Mikhail from a distance, and then met up with Carlos when he followed Mikhail to finish him off. He pretends to be an upstanding soldier
Nicholai is killed by Nemesis in this continuity
In a post-credits scene, Umbrella retrieves Nemesis' body from the wreckage of Raccoon City. This will set up a surprise in a later film

The Post-Raccoon Trilogy (I will find a better name for this)
Resident Evil: Code Veronica
Minor Changes
The entire movie takes place on Rockfort. There is no Antarctica, but Rockfort is greatly expanded upon
The plane and attempted escape is all still there, but they crash back on Rockfort after the tyrant fight

Alfred Ashford
Slightly less feminine
Very much like Norman Bates/Mother character
A more depressed, pathetic character
Death: Steve punches, he falls, impales himself, gets to Alexia's chamber, and dies at her feet as she awakens
Steve actually tries to catch him after he begins to fall

Alexia Ashford
Main villain of the third act
Distraught over brother's death
Releases many insect B.O.Ws including spiders and moths, as well as ants
Chris kills her with the Linear launcher

Steve Burnside
Jack Dawson from Titanic, right down to his sacrificial death, speech & monologue
Wields a single golden Luger for much of the film
Steve's father is a zombie

Alexander Ashford/Nosferatu
Breaks free in the attack on Rockfort by Wesker
Roams the complex, barely missing Claire and Steve
Is killed by Claire on a helicopter pad

Minor role, only 2 scenes, the first scene being its release
The fight on the plane is there
Death: Pushed off the plane by a cargo crate

Similar in appearance to his Re5 look
He moves much faster in this film, again closer to Re5

Resident Evil 5
A mix of RE4 and RE5
Wesker replaces Saddler
instead of the president's daughter, it is Sherry Birkin
Chris and Leon go in as a unit to the European region from RE4
The Chris-Jill arc from RE5 remains the same

Jack Krauser appears and is told through flashbacks
Executioner appears
Dr. Salvador appears
Garrador appears
Wesker is fought but doesn't mutate

Resident Evil 6

Ustanak is actually the recovered Nemesis with modifications
Follows the story of Chris and Leon, with Piers and Jake as supporting characters
Follows Chris' general campaign, but with zombies
Carla and Ada's arc is followed as a subplot
Again, Claire is name-dropped but does not appear. The Redfield story arc finished with CV for the most part

That's my ideas on how a Resident Evil Reboot should be executed. If you have any ideas, or would like me to elaborate on anything, then leave a comment.