Friday 11 October 2013

Summer Movies 2013

This isn't going to be as informative or persuasive as some of my earlier posts. This is just me talking about the films that I enjoyed the most this summer, in order from best to worst. To be honest, nothing this summer is going to nab any Oscars, so these are just movies I had the most fun watching.

1. Pacific Rim
Comparing this film and Transformers because they both have robots is like comparing Root Beer and dog crap because they are both brown. Although some of the human sections didn't capture my attention, the battles between the Kaiju and Jaegers did. I sat on the edge of my seat with a big dumb grin on my face nearly every time something big started moving. It was the most fun I had at the theater this year.

2. Star Trek: Into Darkness
This movie has a ton of issues, but it was still a lot of fun. I'm a Star Trek fan, and I thought this movie did a good job retelling "The Wrath of Khan" for this alternate universe. Benedict Cumberbatch did a very good job as Khan, and he has one of those powerful villain voices (see Alan Rickman, Christopher Lee and Ian McKellen)

3. The Conjuring
You know a movie is gripping when you buy food and then don't get to eat it until after the movie. I thoroughly enjoyed the Conjuring, and I'm not even a huge fan of horror movies. I think this one will go down in history with The Exorcist and Alien and The Shining as one of the best ever.

4. Kick-Ass 2
This film sits on the fence for me. It was funny at times, and had some great action, and Jim Carrey was amazing as Stars & Stripes, but there was just something... off-putting about this movie. Besides the obvious ones (like the poop humor) there were certain scenes where I was unsure it was appropriate to laugh, and that's not what I want when I go to see an Action-Comedy.

5. Despicable Me 2
Is it sad that I enjoyed this more than the superhero movies? In the completely out of character words of Johnathan Kent, "...Maybe."

6. Man of Steel
I liked it. I didn't love it. I thought the action dragged on too long at the end, and I hated Kevin Costner's Pa Kent, but the action was good, despite dragging on for too long.

7. Iron Man 3
As a comic book fan, I probably should hate Iron Man 3. I didn't like it, but it has a few redeeming scenes. I enjoyed the attack on Tony's mansion, and I liked the final battle with Nuclear Man from Superman IV, but certain things (*cough*Mandarin*cough*) and certain other things (does Rhodey actually use the Iron Patriot suit for anything?) took me out of the movie quite a bit.

8. World War Z
Don't fool yourself. This is not an action movie. It has a shaky camera and a lot of things move fast, but that isn't action. This movie should be called "Brad Pitt Runs Away" because that's all he does for 2 hours! Then in the final act he "Quietly Sneaks Away." Boring, and is a disservice to the (much better) book.
Movies Worse than World War Z in descending order
9. White House Down
10. The Lone Ranger
11. RIPD
12. Getaway

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